Friday, May 6, 2011

Campaign to support growth of SMEs

The market today is so called free market but is it really free? Previously it was in the claw of so called public sector companies which had nothing to do with the public. Post liberalization in 1991, the power shifted from public sector companies to few big business conglomerates which has such a large corpus of fund, that their sneeze can send fever in the market.

Lobbyists at their disposal can manipulate the policies, circumstances to suit requirement of these biggies. Take a note from 2G scam. With FIs, government, consumers, suppliers and others lining up to them, what chances an upcoming company really has?

The policies and norms should favorable to start ups and SMEs. This will encourage the innovation and entrepreneurship in the emerging market like India. This will provide employment at local level and also lead to improvement in regional disparity.

Some of the basic problems these SMEs are facing are shortage of fund, lack of trust beyond local market, lower visibility, lack of professionalism and inability to influence circumstances in their favor.

Various subjects of discussions which can lend a helping hand in the improvement of SMEs are ways to support SMEs financially, product and market development, Professional advisories on legal and accounting areas, consultancies with respect to joint ventures, business restructuring and streamlining the operations.